de Colle
Fulvia de Colle is Artistic Director of the Musica Insieme Foundation in Bologna, where she has worked since 1999. She graduated with honors and press dignity in Foreign Languages and Literatures at the University of Bologna, and in piano with honors at the Conservatory “G. Tartini” in Trieste. In 2002 she won the “Paola Bernardi” Award for the best performance of the contemporary repertoire at the “Giovanni Gambi” National Competition in Pesaro and in 2012 she obtained the specialization diploma in harpsichord at the Conservatory “G.B. Martini” in Bologna. She specialized in piano with Larissa Dedova and with Aquiles delle Vigne and in harpsichord with Annaberta Conti, Silvia Rambaldi, Gordon Murray and Luigi Ferdinando Tagliavini. She worked as a pianist and harpsichordist at institutions such as Cantiere d’Arte di Montepulciano, Accademia Orchestra Mozart, Harmonicus Concentus, Orchestra Città di Ravenna. She worked as an editor for the magazine Amadeus and the US web magazines Andante and Classicstoday. Author of the volume 50 years of music. Storia dell’Orchestra del Teatro Comunale di Bologna (Pendragon, 2008), from 1999 to 2014 she translated for Giulio Einaudi Editore, who entrusted her with the revision of the Encyclopaedia of Music (edited by Nattiez, Dalmonte and Baroni) and the translations of the volumes by Paul Griffiths. From 2015 to 2020 she was a member of the Steering Committee of the Fondazione Teatro Comunale di Bologna. Editor-in-chief of the information magazine Musica Insieme, since 2017 she has been conceiving and organizing Che musica, ragazzi!, a cycle of meetings with artists at the Manzoni Auditorium, dedicated to primary and middle schools, and since 2023 Musica Insieme al Sant’Orsola, a series of matinées for the patients of the Oncological Day Hospital at the Bologna Polyclinic.
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